Blouse: Topshop // Velvet Flares: H&M
Welcome to my first outfit post guys, I would first like to apologise for the picture quality, my camera is out of action and there was nobody about to take photos on my phone so Macbook camera it was!
When I picked this blouse up from the 'last chance to buy' rack in Topshop, my immediate thought was 'this will either look really terrible or really amazing'.
Thankfully, the latter was correct and I fell in love with it instantly. I may have looked like I'm wearing a naff pair curtains but I looked like a fierce naff pair of curtains.
I usually wear it for work with my suede button up black A-line skirt from Nobody's Child but on this occasion, I teamed it with a pair of velvet flares from H&M.
I also love dressing down this lil number with mom jeans or black dungarees.
Any other garish blouse lovers out there?